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Spirit CommunicationMediumship Sittings

30 min - $50


Spirit Communication is a sacred form of mediumship to contact Spirit Communicators – namely ancestors, family members, friends and other loved ones who have passed, including beloved pets.  Sometimes we may need their direct support or guidance to resolve problems, complete karma, grieve losses, move through life transitions or show us new paths toward greater personal growth and healing.  At other times, they need to contact us for similar reasons and to convey important messages.


The process of Spirit Communication unfolds through the clear intention to make contact with the Spirit World, the willingness to experience this contact and the desire to relate with those contacted.  An open and receptive Heart and Mind are necessary for clear, accurate and healing communications.


During a private Spirit Communication session, we enter into Sacred Circle together and call in those Spirit Communicators who have messages for you.  Information and insight may come through words, clairvoyant vision or direct contact through the physical and psychic senses.  Questions may be answered and pertinent information about your own body, energy fields and life may be revealed.  Read more...

Sessions may be by phone or Zoom video and are recorded with your permission.



Spirit Communication: Mediumship Mentorships

30 min - $50


Mediumship Mentorships are available for all mediums who are seeking additional support in guidance through their development practice.  During a session, we open our link to Spirit, connect with our Guides and sit for Spirit together to receive guidance and relevant lessons for how you may best develop your mediumship skills and practice.  Every session is unique and based on what Spirit brings, as well as your own questions, challenges and concerns.  These sessions may be scheduled as often as needed and offer you creative opportunities for ongoing support and spiritual development.


Sessions may be by phone or Zoom video and are recorded with your permission.



Spiritual Consultations

30 min - $50


Spirit is always with us, and yet we may need more direct contact to receive the guidance and direction that we need in life.  During Spiritual Consultation sessions, I open to Spirit and bring through relevant information to answer questions, resolve issues and promote a deeper level of personal healing.  You may also bring any theme or topic to each session to explore it together with Spirit.  These sessions are meaningful dialogues to support self-reflection and a new level of understanding and love.


Sessions may be by phone or Zoom video and are recorded with your permission.



Spiritual Healing

30 min - $50


Healing is a process through which we may experience a greater level of wholeness and well-being within ourselves, our relationships and the environment.  We are able to effect self-healing in important ways, and at times, we also need the support of another to enter deeper and more vulnerable levels.  During Spiritual Healing sessions, I open to Spirit and merge with my Healing Guide to bring through the highest spiritual energies available and relevant to one's healing needs.  We may explore the body, mind, aura, chakras, meridians, relationships, situations and significant life themes to bring into awareness key insights and experience powerful healing methods for actualizing any necessary change.  Together, we work with Spirit to help you realize latent potentials and enter a new phase of creativity, love and personal empowerment.


Sessions may be by phone, Zoom video or remotely with a follow-up email summary.



For additional healing services, please visit Evolutionary Healing.


To schedule a session, please submit your request through the Contact page.

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